
Welcome to "Suzhou Aoke Machinery?Co., Ltd."!


Machining Worker
  • Recruitment position:Machining Worker
  • Number of recruits:10
  • Salary and remuneration:6000-8000/年薪
  • Recruitment department:Machining Division Of Manufacturing Dept
  • Working place:Economic Development Zone, Wujiang Fenhu
  • Age restriction:20---28
  • Professional requirements:CollegeOrAbove
  • Release date:2018-3-1 16:18:40
Job requirements

Machining sewing worker:

Machinery manufacturing professional, there are more than 2 years work experience, the body healthy, the mind reflects the flexible and agile thinking.

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Copyright:Suzhou Aoke Machinery?Co., Ltd. 蘇ICP備18065954號-1 Technical support:RBWL
Add:No.86 Shenlong Road Fenhu Economic Development Zone , Suzhou City Jiangsu, P. R. China
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